A Minatogawa Shrine KATANA by Masanao
w/ORIGINAL Navy mounts
NTHK Certificate
Swordsmith: Minatogawa Masanao (湊川神社正直)
Location: Hyôgo Prefecture
Type: Katana
Period: WW II
Approx measurements: Nagasa (cutting edge length): 66.5 cm Sori (curvature): 2.3 cm
Shape: Shinogi-zukuri
Boshi: ko-maru-kaeri
Kitae: Itame with nagare
Hamon: Gunome-Choji (sugu-chôji-midare)
Mune: iori-mune
Nakago: Kikusui mon, one mekugiana, Ubu
Yasurimei: Kiri
Habaki: Copper with Kikusui mon
Signature: Minatogawa-jinja Masanao" (湊川神社正直) and dated with "a day in the ninth month Showa 17 [1942]" (昭和十七年九月日).
Certificate: N.T.H.K Kanteisho (Important work) 75 pts, 1997 New York NY NTHK shinsa, See shinsa work sheet further below.
Condition: This is an excellent blade overall!
Included: Original Navy mounts on a new tsunagi, Shirasaya, carry bags
Note: Family name was Okada (岡田), he studied with master Moriwaki Masamori. His given name was Okada Yoshiaki, born 1917.
There are several blades known made by Noshu Seki 23rd Generation Kanefusa which have the kiku-sui mon carved as a horimono on the blade (not on the nakago). These blades were not made at the Minatogawa Jinja Tanrensho and have no known connection with it. These swords probably were a special order from a group of Naval officers or a Naval officer's association. Herman Wallinga's article Gendaito Made at the Minatogawa Shrine, published in the Japanese Sword Society of the United States Journal (volume 33, number 3, 2001) is the definitive English language reference for blades of the Minatogawa Shrine. Courtesy of: The Japanese sword index |
Pages from- Herman Wallinga's article Gendaito Made at the Minatogawa Shrine
NTHK certificate translation
kantei-sho (鑑定書) – Appraisal
Minatogawa-jinja Masanao (
湊川神社正直)shôshin (
正真) – Authenticnagasa 2
shaku 2 sun 0 bu han kore ari (長さ貮尺貮寸分半有之) – Blade length ~ 66.8 cmHeisei 9
nen 10 gatsu 12 nichi (平成九年十月十二日) – October 12, 1997Nihon Tôken Hozon Kai (
日本刀剣保存会) – NTHKNo 14103
meibun (
銘文) – Signature: [kikusui-mon] Minatogawa-jinja Masanao (湊川神社正直)Shôwa jûnananen kugatsu hi (
昭和十七年九月日, "a day inSeptember 1942")
kitae (
鍛) – Forging: itame-nagarehamon (
刃紋) – Hardening: sugu-chôji-midarebôshi (
鋩子) – Hardening in tip: ko-maruchôkoku (
彫刻) – Engravings:nakago (
中心) – Tang: mekugi-ana (目釘穴) 1, yasurime (鑢): kiribikô (
備考) – Remarks: Hyôgo Prefecture, gendaishinsa’in natsu’in (
審査員捺印) – Seals of Judges: 2 seals
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